Students learn the very basic on what constitutes agriculture and common agricultural practices in Zimbabwe. The content broadens at higher levels with introduction of basic scientific principles in both crop and animal farming.

Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

This is a relatively new area at Sianyanga Primary and unavailability of both electricity and ICT equipment makes it a challenge to teach. The aim is to introduce students to fundamentals of operating a computer.
Introductory mathematical operations and applications; numbers/ counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. At higher level, more complex operations and calculations are taught, building on previous knowledge.

This is a broad subject that covers most basic principles of natural sciences in the simplest forms at the beginning and in more practical terms as the students progress. The aim is to build the appreciation of the understanding of our physical, chemical and biological attributes of matter in general.

This is a non-examinable albeit critical subject that is aimed at real life situations that students may face at different levels. Discussions are made that seek to inform and assess the well being of the students to ensure that their mental and physical shape remains conducive to learning. Issues ranging from conduct, avoiding abuses of all kinds, socialising, health/ hygiene, etc. are included.
Guidance & Counseling

Physical Education
Students are introduced to various physical bodily functions and exercises. This progresses to timed and monitored sporting activities at set times. The most popular are football (soccer), netball and athletics. Lack of infrastructure and resources currently limits the type of sports that students are exposed to.

Visual & Performing Arts
The artistic abilities of the students is nurtured in this subject area. They are encouraged to express their creativity through various forms of art such as painting, sculpting, drama/theater performances and dance.

Socio-cultural family traditions as well as religious practices most common in the Zimbabwean society are covered in this subject. The discussion and teaching points are broad, inclusive and open ended with the main focus being to encourage students to embrace a morally upright society made up of diverse beliefs, customs and practices. Biblical and other texts (where applicable) may be referenced according to the syllabus provided by the Ministry of Education.
Family, Religion &
Moral Education

Ndebele: Literacy and cultural aspects of the Ndebele language and people.
Tonga: Literacy and cultural aspects of the Tonga language and people.
English: Literacy in the English language

Heritage & Social Studies
Students participate in interactive and passive learning of Zimbabwe's history, culture and social issues. The concepts of national and international organization of society are first introduced.